Is Sciatica Making Your Life Immovable?

Sciatica is the name given to a collection of symptoms that include weakness, tingling, pain, or numbness that spreads down the sciatic leg nerve from the lower back to the back of the thigh and occasionally into the foot. The longest nerve in the body, the sciatic nerve, can produce abnormal impulses if it is pinched or compressed (pain). Most people with sciatica only experience pain on one side of their bodies, however in rare instances, the sciatic nerves on both sides of the spine may be symptomatic.

From patient to patient, sciatica discomfort might vary substantially. Others may experience just minor or sporadic spasms, while other patients report experiencing severe, often incapacitating agony. A dull aching, a burning sensation, a sensation of an electrical shock running down the leg, inexplicable weakness on the affected side, tingling or numbness are all possible symptoms of sciatica. Sciatica pain may start off quickly as a result of a recent or past event, or it may develop gradually and worsen with time.

Since sciatica is a symptom of several conditions, diagnosing the condition can be challenging. Sciatica is most frequently brought on by compression of the sciatic nerve in the lower back from a herniated or slipped disc. A pelvic injury, spinal stenosis, or piriformis syndrome are further possibilities.

When a slipped, ruptured, or bulging disc causes sciatica or other types of pain, surgery is typically advised. In comparison to many ineffectual therapies and even back surgery, craniosacral therapy is non-invasive and drug-free. Through a personalised strategy of non-invasive treatments, I have assisted many people in avoiding surgery. Your individualised treatment programme may include:

  • Craniosacral Therapy 
  • Homoeopathic Treatments
  • Meru Chikitsa
  • Marma Therapy

    Lets know these therapies in detail:
  • Craniosacral Therapy: A spinal disc or discs that are putting pressure on the nerve roots and producing back and leg discomfort might be affected by groups of tight, sometimes spasmodic muscles. Craniosacral therapy will help the body release unprocessed, unresolved energies that are being held in reserve. The spine’s structure will be improved through craniosacral therapy, relieving pressure on the nerve roots while realigning the back into the proper position.

At-home self-care is crucial for sciatica healing and for the aforementioned operations. Sciatica pain may reoccur due to re-injury of the area brought on by excessive labour, excessive activity, the improper sorts of exercise, or bad posture. I can offer a range of self-care guidelines that enhance posture, alleviate pain, and discourage recurrence of injury.

  • Homoeopathy: Sciatica can be effectively treated with homoeopathy. The treatments are incredibly effective, free of adverse effects, and created from natural materials. Its repertoire includes more than 100 different treatments, including Colocynth, Rhus-Tox, Pulsatilla, Hypericum, and Aconite, to mention a few.
  • Meru Chikitsa: Meru chikitsa is a classic ayurvedic treatment technique that has been used for thousands of years. The terms “meru” and “chikitsa,” which mean “treatment” and “spine,” respectively, are the source of the term. It deals with problems with the spine and its structures and promotes the preservation of health.

In the Charaka Samhita, back discomfort is discussed under the headings “Kati Soola – Back Pain, Kati graha – Stiff Back, Gridrasi – Sciatica, etc.” No matter what time of day or stage of life they are in, everyone eventually has backaches. Overweight, incorrect use of workouts and posture, improper completion of ordinary household duties, and overexertion are common reasons.

The term “meru chikitsa” refers to one of the age-old, traditional ayurvedic therapeutic techniques. The term comes from the terms “meru” and “chikitsa,” which respectively indicate “treatment” and “spine.” It addresses problems with the spine’s structures and aids in maintaining excellent health.

  • Marma Chikitsa: The anatomical region where Mamsa, Sira, Snayu, Sandhi, and Asthi dhatu converge is known as marma, according to Acharya Susruta. Additionally, it is where the body’s Prana (vital energy) is located. The term “Pranas”16 refers to Agni, Soma, Vayu, Satwa, Rajah, Tamah, Bhuthatma, and Panchendriyas. It encompasses every element necessary to maintain life.

The term “marma” refers to a full vital point, which is a conjugation of muscle, nerve, joint, bone, tendon, artery, and vein in any two, three, or more combinations, or in all of the aforementioned components.

Massage activates the marma points in the thigh and lower back. Specific areas will benefit from the healing properties of massage, which also helps to increase circulation and reduce discomfort.

The doctors & experts at our Dr. Radhika’s Wellness Centre, will address the condition’s place of origin, which is frequently the gut, in addition to managing the discomfort.
We discover that a number of therapies, including, are quite successful in treating sciatica.To create a specialised plan of treatments, medications, nutrition, and exercise, we advise scheduling an initial consultation at our Clinic.
For More Info., Visit: or Contact us at Dr. Radhika’s Wellness Center (Delhi) at 995-359-1771

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